
ANGOLA: Support victims of demolitions and evictions (Africafiles)

Action: Angola: Support victims of demolitions and evictions
Act By: 5/1/2010
Sponsor: Christian Aid

African Charter Article# 14: The right to property shall be guaranteed.

Summary & Comment: Brutal demolitions and forced evictions have become a regular occurrence in major cities and rural communities in Angola. The last one at beginning of March in Lubango killed seven people and displaced 3,800 families. Express your solidarity with the victims of the demolitions and evictions and for the cause for dignity, social justice and respect for human rights by adding your name and/or your organisation to the list of supporters. JS

30 March 2010 Update
Solidarity and support to victims of demolitions and evictions are growing worldwide
Dear colleagues,
Civil society organisations are making public, worldwide, a communication by the Provincial Government of Benguela (Angola) that banned the demonstration that would take place in Benguela, last Thursday (March 25th), against the brutal demolitions and forced evictions that have become a regular occurrence in major cities and rural communities in Angola. The last one happened in the beginning of March in Lubango, killing seven people and displacing 3,800 families.
In the letter, the government urges the population not to take part in the protest and that it will not be responsible for the consequences if the organisations decided to go ahead with the march (attached, in Portuguese): “The Provincial Government of Benguela, within the framework of its responsibilities in the protection of order, tranquillity and social peace, will use the means legally instituted, to aim at cancelling this pretension (the march) and declares that will not be hold responsible for eventual material or physical damage arising from the exercise of its authority, in the defence of the established order”.
On the other hand, solidarity is growing worldwide! Every day more organisations, movements, groups and individuals are expressing their solidarity to the victims of the demolitions and evictions and to the cause for dignity, social justice and respect for human rights.
You can request that your name and/or the name of your organisation be added to the list by simply sending it to omunga.coordenador@gmail.com, zepatrocinio1@yahoo.com.br and quintas.de.debate@gmail.com.
Pictures of the demolitions and evictions and of the movement against them are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/quintasdedebate.
26 February 2010
Protest in Benguela / Congratulations!
Dear colleague,
As you probably heard or read in the news, the march in Benguela against the house demolitions and land evictions didn’t happen yesterday [February 25], as planned by Angolan civil society organisations.
The provincial governor of Benguela decided to ban the peaceful manifestation and a climate of intimidation was strategically set up, with shock-riot police with trained dogs placed along the route where protesters would march. In a statement, the governor declined any responsibility if the protesters didn’t follow the decision, meaning that there would be violence if the march started.
Although the march “Don’t Push Down My House!” (“Não Partam a Minha Casa”, in Portuguese) didn´t happen, we consider that there have been enormous achievements in this action to mobilise and bring together so many important groups and voices within civil society in Angolan. Our congratulations in this success!
You can see pictures of this action in Omunga´s blog Quintas de Debates (http://quintasdedebate.blogspot.com/) and can still add your support to the cause in solidarity with the victims.
Christian Aid
35 Lower Marsh. London, SE1 7RL
phone. +44 (0) 20 7523 2076 fax. +44 (0)20 7620 0719
w. www.christianaid.org.uk

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