

A mensagem de solidariedade que receemos veio agora de MOYO PAN AFRIKAN SOLIDARITY CENTRE:
Accra, Ghana 24th March 2010

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We write to formally extend our solidarity to your organisation for the honourable initiative to stand by those whose rights have been violated.
In particular those most vulnerable in Angolan society to whose voices we add ours, in the demand of tomorrows march ‘DON’T DEMOLISH OUR HOMES’
As advocates for justice and organisers for transformation and pan afrikanists we are shocked by the measures the provincial governments of Luanda, Benguela and Huila are continually employing to address housing shortages in your country. Since it is our duty to be on the side of the impoverished and marginalised Angolan communities therefore we once more re-affirm our solidarity with all families across Angola who once more lost everything they worked so hard to achieve.
Affiong L Affiong
Executive Director

The Moyo Pan Afrikan Solidarity Centre was established as a Pan-Afrikan foundation for developing group, organisational and institutional capacities, our goal is to develop Pan-Afrikan people’s institutions which serve as capacity building facilities, information networks and citizen’s hubs.

1 comentário:

Michel disse...

como posso ter o contato desse senhor de ghana, pois vou a accra pelo menos uma vez por ano.